The roller coaster ride continues

Well, Tucker went back this morning for another liver enzyme test and his ALT is now at 370. So, not much different from two weeks ago but I was really hoping it would be lower. He'll be started back on his Ursodiol (Actigall) with tonights dinner and will be re-tested in about a month. Hopefully it'll be better then. I'm really starting to wonder if I should go ahead and have his liver biopsied so they can try to determine the exact cause of this. Honestly, the only thing stopping me from doing the biopsy is cost. The least invasive way is very expensive and the affordable way is major surgery which would be harder on Tucker. I'll have to have a chat with the vet and see what she thinks.
Friday he'll go in for a dental, nail trim and ear cleaning.
Tucker and Cindy,
came by to check in and see if there were/are any changes.
This seems to be your last entry (unless I somehow missed another one)...
was wondering what the vet thought about the liver biopsy?
I have kinda let Penny's illness and Mark and my Mom's health keep me from keeping up to date on Tucker...and well, from many other things!! Been such a loooooong year!! LOL
Gotta get it all in perspective!
Tucker has still gotten daily drool and prayers though.
I know this can be a huge financial stressor and just emotionally draining...we have prayers for you too!!
I'll check back for more updates.
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