Feeling a bit better

Luckily Tucker doesn't act like he's sick. The only change in him so far has been that his energy level hasn't been quite right for the past month or so (which of course I didn't realize until after his diagnosis).
Starting Wednesday night April 5th I've noticed that his energy has picked up a bit. He's starting to act more like his silly old self too, barking at me when it's dinner time and telling me about his day when I come home from work. He's also been playing with the other two bassets a little more. I hadn't realized how much I missed how totally goofy this sweet boy can be.
The prednisone has of course caused him to start drinking more than normal and I'd notice him panting more than usual also . Turns out the panting is another side effect of the prednisone so it doesn't look like it's anything to worry about.
Tuckers appetite has never waned either, he's always very excited to get his breakfast and dinner. Of course the bedtime snack is important too!
Keep on getting better, Tucker.
Drool x 5 being slung your way
We want you to be well buddy,hang in there. xoxo
We love you, Tucker! Hugs to you and your family!
-Renee and Flash
You have a great Blog! I'm sure it will help others that have the same condition! Tell your mom she writes just fine :o)
I hope you continue to be your "silly old self" for a long time!
Jamie & the 3 bassets
Manly hugs headed your way, buddy! I hope you feel better every day. LOVE your blog!
Your pal, Freddy, and my nasty sister Georgette
We luv you Tuckaroo!!!!!
Your furends,
Agnes & Lucille
Pawshington, DC (DogsnotCats)
Lots of Love and Drool Tucker!!
get better and better your a Beautiful Boy!!!!!!
Chumley and Mama
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