
Friday, April 07, 2006

Tuckers Diagnosis - March 28, 2006

Tucker was given a preliminary diagosis of Idiopathic Chronic Canine Hepatitis on March 28th 2006 after having elevated ALT levels on 3 blood tests. The first elevation was discovered during a routine pre-anesthetic blood test taken in preparation for a dental.

His most recent ALT was 4731, normal high is 60.

He was placed on Milk Thistle the evening of March 28, on the 30th his vet had me add Prednisone, Actigall, Sam-e, and Vitamin E

The following is his medication schedule including dosages


1/2 capsule of 175 mg Milk Thistle
1 20 mg Prednisone
1 200 mg Sam-E
1 400 iu Vitamin E


1 capsule of 175 mg Milk Thistle
1 20 mg Prednisone
1 300 mg Ursodiol (generic Actigall)

Tucker is currently being fed California Natural Herring and Sweet Potato kibble, 1 cup twice daily. He's also given 1/4 tsp of Prozyme with each meal.

The predisone will be reduced to once a day on April 14th.


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